So, it's 11:56pm and we just got home from the ER. Again. We beat our fast record of 7 hours. This time we were out in 5. Also, this time the powers that be tell us there is no pneumonia - the lungs are quite clear. But the lady on the phone told us to go to the ER, so we did.
There were no blood tests, no catheter, no horrible nasal down to the throat swab. Just a chest Xray to be sure nothing was growing. Elliot fell asleep on papa's chest WAY down the hall while we waited from 6 to 10pm to be seen. But the lady on the phone said to go. So we did.
Elliot alternated from screaming mad to this wacky, loopy mood where everytime he bumped into someone, dropped something, or ran away, he laughed like he was drunk. He also brought his shape sorter, which after a quick trip to check on he and papa WAY down the hall, ended up being the ER village toy, as two other children had played with it before I returned. It will be receiving a very thorough hot water and soap bath before returning to our play corner. (Are you kidding me?)
Elliot was giggling at everyone by the time we were discharged. He was happier there than he had been all day. But the lady on the phone said to go. So we did.