Bartmer Ave.

A quick way for out of town relatives to keep an eye on our kids.

Wednesday, November 01, 2006


We had a wonderfully uneventful (healthwise) day. Elliot mercifully slept (with us) until 7:20 and then slept 3 1/2 hours in naps. He had NO fever today. The highest he hit was 98.0. We are very thankful! He's still a little cranky, but also still catching up on sleep. He played today, drank more, and ate a bunch of mac and cheese for lunch. A sure sign of health for him.

Thanks for your prayers. Our little person is on the mend! Here he read a bit of propoganda from AAA with his papa after dinner. Probably the last read of this book. Nana got ahold of it while we gave Elliot his bath. It was mostly shredded. Obviously the dog disagreed with the organization. We, however, are renewing our membership.

I've thought so much in the last couple of days about people who live in other parts of the world with poor or no health care. We live 20 minutes from 2 of the best children's hospitals in the world. Why do we have this priviledge? I don't know. I'm just thankful for it. After the past few days, Elliot's first few smiles of the day were about the happiest thing I could've seen.


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